How Hungry are You?

Kathy Brunner
5 min readMar 21, 2017

Have you ever sat down to a meal and said, ” I’m so hungry I could eat a _____?” When you are that hungry, you often will eat whatever is available. If you are eating in a restaurant, you may order more than typical because you just want some food. Sometimes you will choose something that may not be exceptionally appealing but will satisfy the hunger you are experiencing.

When I am coaching clients, I often discover many are very hungry for whatever they can grab onto to help them make a career leap. They are often desperate for information and tactics which will help them achieve their goal of becoming their own boss.

Now, Don’t get me wrong. Hungry clients are great, but I often caution them to take the time to discern if what they are hearing and learning is really pertinent to them. While I want clients who are ready, willing and excited to make the leap from employee to business owner, I don’t ever want to take advantage of that hunger and coach people who are satisfied with any information they receive.

When you are extremely hungry, discernment and preference often go by the wayside and you tend to…


The problem with being hungry to start a business can mean you permit less than exceptional guidance to satiate you. You might hear countless pieces of information from how to use social media in your business, to how to craft an offer, how to set up your business website to where to locate your ideal client.

While all that information can be vital, your head can be swimming with bits and pieces of anything you grab onto to fill your empty need. By itself each piece of info has its merits but whenever you are simply non descriminate about what you will swallow, you often find that an immediate need was met but a long term need is still present.

In other words, you gain a lot of information but the practicality of what is specific for you is often lost.


  1. Do You Trust the Person You are Getting the Info From?( Everyone can tell you they are an “expert” but are you getting your information from someone who has been there and done what you want to do?)
  2. Are You Getting Strategies Which Make Sense to You? ( Swallowing a lot of information tends to confuse even the most organized person). Make sure you are getting a step by step practical way to satsify the kinds of needs you have for growing your business.
  3. Have You Checked Out the Entire Menu Before Trying to Satsify Your Hunger? (Spend some time really determining what you want before you end up just settling for anything that sounds good.) Yes, You are hungry but would you eat something old, spoiled, or on its last legs?
  4. Be Receptive to Trying a Few Options. ( There are a lot of coaches and advice out there. You need not settle for one. Schedule strategy calls with several.) Don’t limit satisfying your hunger with the next best thing. Try out a few morsels before you choose something that “tastes” right. Remember every steak does not taste like every other steak. BE SMART and CHOOSY.
  5. Don’t Confuse Hunger with Panic. Sure some people eat when they are anxious and some people start to download every piece of info and google every option available when they are up against the wall. If you are about to lose a job or already have, take a moment and just spend some time reflectively. Be proactive about what you will swallow and less reactive because you are scared, confused or anxious. Digest because you want to not because you have no choice.

Right now maybe you have been toying with the idea that you would like to start your own business. Maybe you’ve had an idea in the back of your head for some time now. Maybe you can see the writing on the wall and you know you are in a dead end career. Maybe you are so frustrated you feel hungry for any piece of advice you can get.

I get career hunger. I get career anxiety and career burnout and I totally get career frustration.

I also want clients to realize that I prefer to help them satisfy a long term need than an immediate hunger. What I mean is that I think it’s better to help someone create a plan and a path that will end up getting them where they want to be rather than letting them grab a map and hope they are good independent navigators.

This doesn’t mean I don’t tell clients when I am not a good coach for them. I absolutely tell hungry clients who will settle for any type of help that I may be the wrong coach for them. Yes, I want hungry clients, but I don’t want indiscriminate ones. In the long run, if I help a client change the entire direction of their life by helping them move into successful entrepreneurship, I know I have succeeded in satisfying their hunger the right way.

So How Hungry Are You? Are you hungry enough to want something to satisfy your need but not so hungry you will settle for just anything to fill it?

Are you ready to work with a coach who cares about filling you up for life rather than the next few hours?

Do you want to work with a coach who has your best interests in mind instead of with someone who wants to control your thoughts,opinions and your pocketbook for the next several months?

Do you want a coach who customizes a “diet” for you to succeed in your business rather than who lets you eat everything everyone else has?

Are you hungry enough to try something you never did to get something you never had?

Then…Let’s Do This. Contact me for a FREE STRATEGY SESSION.

Feel free to ask me any questions you have and before you decide you are so hungry you could eat a ________, let’s see if there is anything on my menu that sounds like perfect food for your heart, soul and business.



Kathy Brunner

Entrepreneur/Business Coach, People Watcher, Firestarter. Create your encore career and go from Burned Out to Fired Up!