The Most Dangerous Word in the World

Kathy Brunner
3 min readSep 25, 2017

You might think of words like love, hate, betrayal, when you think of dangerous words but I have seen first hand how the word, “Someday” can truly the be the most dangerous word in the world.

We have all heard that saying,”Someday is not a day of the week.” but more importantly, someday connotes that there is a wish, a dream, a desire,waiting like an invitation you can’t or won’t open.

What someday really means is that you are “Making a date to wait”.

What are some dates to wait are on your “someday” list?

Maybe it is:

  • Finishing school
  • Trying out a new idea
  • Getting some medical testing
  • Ending a relationship or starting a new one
  • Cleaning out that basement
  • Looking for a better job
  • Getting treatment for an addiction

“Someday” has no beginning it just hangs out there like an unreachable opportunity, waiting and waiting but not really getting you anywhere closer. [Tweet “”Someday” is the thief of dreams and the robber of potential.”]

“Someday” is dangerous because we don’t have forever and so often we wait until that “someday” when we think the stars will align…and we wait and wait, maybe until we finish a degree, the kids get older, we finally settle down, we move into our own place. Maybe you are waiting until you feel you have more money, more time, more resources,when perfect rolls around.

Here are some BIg Problems with “Someday.”

It is Too Indefinite to be the right time

Too Ambiguous to be the right place

Too Impractical to be the right opportunity

I know everyone has a “someday”. It’s wonderful to dream for the future but when there is no plan to really make that “someday” take place, that dream is futile and the future is not really going to change anything.

I talk with people all the time who are restless, unsatisfied, disappointed, fearful, reluctant and stressed and do you know WHY?

Quite often it is because they have made a date to wait. They sense a need to move forward and DO something but they continue to sabotage themselves by designating their goals to “someday.”

Quite often it is because they have made a date to wait. They sense a need to move forward and DO something but they continue to sabotage themselves by designating their goals to “someday.”

They are not on purpose, about purpose or for a purpose but rather stuck in the oblivion of sensing a need but deciding to address it “someday.”

The only absolute someday we will ALL know is death. That’s a pretty lousy date to be waiting for.

Your “someday” may seem safe but maybe it’s really just another excuse.

Haven’t you really been dating waiting too long?

Stop making a date for wait and Start making a date for GREAT.

If you have always wanted to do more with your life and sense a bigger purpose and future. Please join me for a FREE TELESEMINAR on Thursday September 28 to learn how to create A Bigger, Bolder, Brighter Purpose NOW instead of “Someday.”

I promise you won’t be disappointed.



Kathy Brunner

Entrepreneur/Business Coach, People Watcher, Firestarter. Create your encore career and go from Burned Out to Fired Up!